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VG10 has 15% Chromium (CR), 1% Molybdenum (MO), and 1.5% Cobalt (Co) Which All Stringthen The Matrix, Yielding High Hardness, In Addition to Maintaining A Long-Lasting Sharp Edge.
The Microstructure is Refined by the Addition of Vanadium (V). In Addition, CR, MO, and V Produce A Large Number of Hard Carbides, WHICKE FURTHER Improves Wear Resistance.
IT ALSO HAS GOOD MACHINAGE AND IS EASY TO SHARP. VG10 Manifest's Secondary Hardening With High Temperature Tempation.

With its excellent Corrosion Resistance and Sharpness, It Performs Well In A Wide Range of Uses Including Kitchen Knives, General Purpose Knives, And Machine Blades

Ref: Takefu Special Steel


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